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The weather has gone full circle from hot, warm, wet, warm and back to hot again. Work is very busy especially Mette. She is a Realtor and Vancouver Island and the Cowichan Valley is experiencing a lot of house sales and rising of house prices, this Island paradise on the Western edge of Canada is starting to be found!
Daniel and Anja have broken up from school for their annual 10 week Summer holiday and I didn’t notice too many complaints from them! Daniel is still playing lots of Basketball and has a lot of Basketball camps planned and Anja performed in a Dance show at the Cowichan Centre and will be doing a Dance camp.
We had a phone call in Mid-June from an English friends parents saying they are staying at relatives in Vancouver and can they come over for a visit. It was nice to catch up and have a chat about old times and new but it felt strange having someone visit from England for just 3 hours.
On Canada day (July 1st) we went to the Sooke Canada Day celebration, then onto French Beach and back into Victoria for a meal. Canada day is a big day here and everybody gets involved either through community events or parties in their home, lots of Canada flags everywhere.

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